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What is classical yoga?

According to Mark Singleton's book, Yoga as we know and the sequences are the consequence of perceptions from the early twentieth century of desire for a perfect body, a healthy and strong body, combined with the flow of body development (Bodie Building), along with the wish that through this body can oppose the British power... To the occupier.

In the eighteenth century, they saw the Jags as barbarians on the sides of the road, feared and ridiculed them, or saw them as acrobats exhibited in the circus at the beginning of the 19th century.

What positions were, what practice was it?

The yogi practice was increasing tapas, breathing, and meditation, especially in Yeshiva practice.

When the goal is to release and change,

The mental process formed from the Prum channeling in the body.

The writings appear in positions but never found a specified one to be performed in a particular sequence.

In the Yoga Sutra to Patong, in Bashia, annotations shows a list of 13 courses and at the end of the list was written and approx... As a hint of additional poses, postures which are performed in the yeshiva. Fankgjell himself refers to the third organ of the yoga organs but is not a specification.

In Maavarta and Ramaniah there are documentation for the gods and Pharisees who perform variations in the yeshiva. Where they aim is to practice tapas .

Ancient Tantric texts from around the 11th century usually indicate "asana" as "Throne" to divinity. There are also machine poses ' karana ' which offer movement and pita that specifies a seat.

The article of Seth Powell is documented in the findings of icons carved on the pillars of structures that show not only the icons of sitting postures but also the icons of a number of basas stance, not only standing but "pretzel style" most of which are equal to the weight of hands. In other words, there are testimonies of various and varied courses from the 16th century. The icons found in the "pretzel style" were also found in the "Ordhadahmahahnona" (bridge position).

Datatriaiogsastra is indicated that there are 8.4 million different positions. In other text, it is written that there are positions as the amount of existing species. The Shiva God chooses asana one out of all 100,000, and therefore there are 84 Asanas.

In fact the sequence of postures as a series is created under the influence of the perception of a healthy body in a healthy soul that will draw the line of the early 20th century of a healthy body, a fine breed.

Krikchoria is responsible for the combination of the propaganda sequence called Syria Namesseker as part of the yoga-massin.

Until the 1930s, the Syrian-born of the 20th century, Namesseker was not considered part of the yoga - massin.

It appears that Krishmaria's teaching was based on a style of physical education that was accepted in India in the 1930s in conjunction with his personal innovation that created the merger we know today.

Krikchiria claimed that the source text of its sequences was Corenta, this source was never found.

Today, researchers have found a source called Hattrick Hahathahahahahahahali. Apparently written during the 18th century. Where there are 112 positions, the author of the text is called Kapala Coranaka and probably this is the source that krishnmch meant .

This text begins with words:

" For those who suffer from pain, those who are excessively attached to their mental senses, those who are obsessed with women, who fall from caste, and even those who perform the world-like works, for whom this is the book of the slowdown-yoga-hasia-padihones connected by Kaplea Korantka, the themes and practices of the practice in which they were written here .

In this text that portions of it are missing, there are precise explanations about how to enter a pose and there is also a certain order in which the positions should be practiced. The postures were arranged according to a series of standing postures, sitting postures, postures lying down, and so on.

Although no group is called as a sequence in a segment on Asana, the text determines that the postures should be performed sequentially. Moreover, in many cases, description ה"אסאנה" begins with the assertion that the Hypergin must be positioned in the previous position in succession.

In haṭhābhyāsapaddhati , There are cases in which two positions with different forms are linked together. Describes sequences of asanas by lying face down, lying face up, fixed, standing, postures with ropes, and so on, that appear to be sets of positions. These headlines do not typify the "asanas" shape because positions with different shapes and movements are connected under each heading. Instead, the header appears to be referring to the status of the starting point. For example, in a lying-down group, the recumbent direction is between six of the twenty-five "asanas", when each of the six begins lying down. These twenty-five positions include hypotones, arms balance, and pushups. Therefore, it appears that the headings refer to the way the asanas are in succession, not to groups of similar positions, and the line that connects between them at the entrance to Asana.

It is worth noting that the descriptions of the continuous character in Haṭhābhyāsapaddhati on Asanas helps the reader understand them.

According to the testimonies of Krishmria, it was said that he would prepare a sequence of postures for preparation for a particular one, and in one of the testimonies, it was said that in terms of the first time, Syria, Namesseker, and Hakol was open. Words of T.R.S. Sharma

So what is classical yoga?

Is it a sequence of poses?

Is it a sequence of positions transmitted in some way?

Or is this the experience that the practitioner undergoes as a result of a sequence of postures ?

Is there a way for a practitioner to undergo a very precise and repetitive sequence, or can I diversify?

I, do I teach classical yoga?

I am more in the direction of a goal posture and the preparation required for it or a subject/concept I want to examine in a lesson accordingly to build a sequence of postures.

Or the mental physical experience we go through during class

Thus, Syria is not always a part of the class, and sometimes it is not.

Sometimes it is part of a transition between the postures.

Increases tapas, breaths, and meditation.

A mental process created from the Prum channeling in the body.

Breathing and attention in the Massat.


To love yourself.

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