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The Yogi body

Yoga's physiology is not similar to conventional and normal physiology through which we perceive the body. The physiology of the Yogi Body refers to the refined body, the Frannie body or our energy body. These are Revadim And dimensions Invisible to the eye. The knowledge and understanding of these delicate bodies can bring us to change consciousness. The knowledge of these bodies has been for many years a hidden and esoteric knowledge. Only those who devote their time to deep practices have been touched by the secrets of knowledge through his own spiritual mentor, and around sit and learn. The five layers (Cuscuta) kos'as ) Yogic physiology depicts five envelopes or layers in the human structure. These are five envelopes that make up the Batman, the soul. The Lord is the spark of the divine, the spark of eternal consciousness that resides in every person. Outside of the Batman, which is invisible to the eye, the following layers take place: Enandmaya – The sublime layer of bliss. Vibiganmaya – The layer of intuition, high knowledge. Nommaya – The layer of intellect, memory, perception and logic. Pramaya – The energy layer, the vital force that drives the body and consciousness. Anamaya – The food plaque, the physical body, is thus called on the food for its existence.. All these covers are in relationship with each other. They are an expression of consciousness. Each shell is built from the vibrating energy at different speeds and at different frequencies. In the physical layer, the energy moves slowly. As we travel through the envelopes, the vibration becomes faster and more refined until it is again absorbed in the pure consciousness. The energy is ultimately the dynamic form of consciousness (Viva And ShaktiConsciousness and energy) and consciousness is the potential form of energy. Therefore, every form of our existence, every level of existence that we live in, is characterized by different qualities of perception, emotion, thought, and awareness. The vibration of energy, The Prana -Is a reflection of the clarity, refinement and expansion of consciousness. In the yoga way we hear about the expression, raising awareness, expanding consciousness. The intention is to broaden your consciousness so that you can make all five covers. When we practice meditation and practice spiritual practice, we raise the vibration and soften the energy, The Prana That is at our base of existence so that our perceptions and emotions, our thoughts and ideas, our entire human mask becomes more refined and broader. When the energy is low and the vibration is coarse, we will be aware of only the layer. The physical, and then All of our feelings and the form of our thinking will be focused on the body and needs, in his desires and suffering. When we raise the energy level and raise our consciousness To Dimensions Higher by The Sadhere Our (spiritual practice, meditation), we become aware of To Prana And the spiritual layer of our existence. On higher levels, you can reach places of high intuition. Energy patterns of The Cucations They are multi-dimensional and fed by currents of Prana. The "tubes" where The Prana Flowing through our energetic body are called farts. The word "farts" was sometimes translated into "nerves," but this translation is inaccurate and Luka. Fart-farting. Are not the nervous system. Nadi Means flow, all it flows is Nadi. Like the water flows in the river like this Prana Flows Farts. Beyond the nervous system we have a network of energy channels called farts. Rivers of energy flowing in the body and soul. The physiology of Yoga depicts 72000 farts in the body. Of these are the 14 most important. Out of the 14 there are three channels that are extremely important and are called: Shushomena, Ida And Finalla. In surgical surgery, you can't see Farts. How can we feel them and know them ? As we develop over the yoga way, we can develop sensitivity and awareness of the energy flow Farts Our own. With the windows in the room open, there's air streaming in the room. In the same way we become aware of the flow of Prana In our energetic body. As we raise our sensitivity through spiritual practice, The Sadhere , We will be more and more convinced in the existence of Farts And the rivers of energy flowing through us. We will learn to feel Farts As a refined and powerful energy--. Ida And Finalla The three main energetic channels are IDA, Pingla And Shushofat. The place from which these channels begin is a little below the tail bone at the base of the spine. Ida Nadi Flows to the left of the spine to the center of the head and ends with the left nostril. Finalla Flows Movement The right of the spinal column is reunited with Ida in the center of the head and ends with the right nostril. Shushomena Nadi Flows through the center of the body along the spinal column. In the Yoga writings Ida Nadi Is called the Moon Channel (Chandra ) And Finalla Nadi Is called the Sun Channel (Syria). These channels affect the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes of our existence as they radiate on all the layers (The Cucations From the physical body, go in the mental body and to the spiritual body. We should note that the energy flow The IDA And Finalla Can be associated with the proper functioning of the autonomic nervous system. When the mother is a dominant, it is expressed in calm and relaxed, as IDA controls the nervous system. Parasympathetic language And when they fired Dominant, it refers to the nervous system. The Bronchotic. In a dominant flow of Ida, the left nostril will be more open. And Finalla Whisper through the air flow of the right nostril.. On the psychological level, Ida's flow And Finalla Is related to the functioning of two Me Brain. Ida belongs to a holistic conception and intuitive thinking, a orientation for observing inward and a rich imaginary world. Finalla Attributed to the left lobe that belongs to the logical plane, verbal, analytical, and rational. Thinking is more linear, oriented to the outside world. Ida creates inspiration And Finalla Enables action and realization. The Prana That flows in two Farts These main are divided by all The Cucations, Including the physical body, by a network of small channels, a kind of small energy canals, also called farts. In the ancient writings of The Opnishades Talk about 72000 farts like that. This is a network of the human organism responsible for the vitality of the body, the clarity of mind and the refinement of consciousness.. The Yogis attribute the human health condition to the free flow of The Prana Farts. If The Prana Blocked at some point, a disease will be created. If there is excessive or missing energy, even then a disease will be created. The Prana There must be a balanced flow in all channels and all the layers. Here comes yoga and enables practitioners to maintain their health as it is built so that it distributes the energy to all the organs of the body and all the channels, and there is a harmony of Prana. Disease is an energetic blockage and imbalance Frannie And she can be expressed in any one. From the Commota. The cause can be physically, mentally, or emotionally, and the symptoms of the disease will be linked to a blockage on one layer or another. This is how we can understand the connection between the body and mind and see that my mental state will also affect our physical situation.. The yogi practice is aimed at purification Farts For the exceptions to open and flow of Prana We are fluent in our energy channels, we gain balance and harmony in which the energy of acceptance and giving is in balance, and thus it can be another situation in which The Shoshofat Nadi You enter the image and become active. In this situation we have access to more refined energy and spiritual energy. When the Prana Flows In Shushofat We experience high consciousness states that enable spiritual insights and enlightenment. When the energy flows In Shushofat There is a empowerment of different aspects of our personality that begin to emerge through the activity of the chakras. Ida And Finalla Branching up The Shomole In a spiral motion and there are points between them A meeting, a kind Cloud. These meeting points are a grottoes. As the encounter of River streams at a certain point create a whirlpool, so the encounter of these two energetic channels creates a kind of energy wheel called Chakra, a kind of whirlpool. In every node where Ida And Finalla Meet along The Shoshofat A chakra is formed, a circular and cyclic movement of energy. In these chakras, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies are collected. We have six major junctions Farts Meet and create the chakras. In addition, there are thousands of small chags in the body. Each chakra has a checkpoint in the body and when we focus on these points we can be aware of their presence. The chakras affect both the nervous system and the endocrine glands. The Chakras form a bridge between the body and the soul. They function as warehouses for Upson Energy and its body, and their good functioning is important for our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.. The enlightened person is represented by The Sasarara Chakra, which is Chakra 1000 leaves above the crown of the head. All the lotus leaves are open to receive the energy of life, the The Prana The cosmic so you can penetrate Farts And flow there without bumpy. The flowering of our personal potential is manifested through the wake of the chakra. This is the ultimate goal of Yoga: Self fulfillment, health, vitality, and joie de vivre. The experience of this sublime situation is called smadai, Enlightenment. The experience occurs when the spiritual power that is hidden within us in the form of kundalini begins to arise and ascend to the chakra to connect to the upper source Bassasarra. Where the Union of Viva And Shakti, Male and female, sun and moon. This Union is considered to be the highest level of human existence..

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