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Mantra - The magic syllable

Updated: May 24, 2020

Mantra is a word that has the power to release consciousness.

The Word mantra itself consists of two syllables : an abbreviation of the epic of Manas , meaning in Sanskrit – mind and Terra – meaning liberation.

What do we need to release the consciousness from?

From the incessant noise and reflection of the thoughts, ideas, and emotions that arise within us.

Why should we release our consciousness?

Only when the consciousness is silent is the possibility of observing inward, listening to ourselves and meditation.

The mantra is intended to silence the consciousness and bring the person to the space of liberation and freedom from inner noises.

In this situation, the person can sink in deep meditation and be close to himself and his God.

The mantra can be said out loud, or in malmol silently, which is heard only for the person's ears. The mantra can be extended for long hours or, to be a quick time.

There are different types of mantras, such as these girls are a number of syllables and such, shorter and such in one syllable as the known and famous mantra-Om – considered a universal mantra and symbolizes the sound of creation, the primary sound in the universe.

A common appearance in India, Yogis and Sadhus (Saints) and others, holding bronderhard, a chain of 109 beads of prayer that chant their special mantra according to their personal traditions.

Can every word be a mantra? What makes words for mantras?

To the intensity of the word and its sanctity in the Indian culture, the goddess Vac accelerated.

The Indians believe in the power of the word and believe that words and sounds have the power to stimulate a change in both the person and the world.

They believe that the way of the words and the power of magic creates a link between man and the gods.

The carols and prayers of thanks (the oldest writings in Sanskrit 3500 years old) are mantras and they are rooted in cyclic memorization. In the past, there was a very distant use of mantras for the purpose of fulfilling ambitions. They were spoken as magic words and a request, a kind of incantations. The use of mantras is done in ceremonies by the brahmansexes (priests) whose role is to mediate between humans and the gods. The Carols Praise the Gods and the world of nature. To the fire, Agni, to which the facilitators pass in fire ceremonies, to the sun, Syria, to the wind, and many more gods. The Carols play at a pace, monotonous and very quiet. There is a call for the gods to fulfill the aspirations of mankind seeking welfare, abundance, tranquility and good health.

The ancient Sanskrit language has fifty letters. In the theory of the esoteric secret-- the "contextual"-the hardening of the sanctified – they say that these letters were created in the distant past by saints and enlightened who were listening to the hidden inner voices in the body and heart. Listening occurred during meditation in a deep and refined internal process. The Eugis concentrated on energy centers (chakras) along the spine and in the brain, which govern the functioning of the body and soul. They could hear the subtle frequencies that came out of the chakras, and then they made them louder. Each of these refined inner tones became one letter in the Sanskrit alphabet. If so, the letters are expression, reflection, and the inner sounds that are in the body.

The Sanskrit letters, called if all languages, are called a metric — in the meaning of אמהות small mothers. Like mothers, these letters form and maternity words. The words create ideas, thoughts and perceptions. The metric rises and floats out of the immense silence, the infinite. It is the frequency and the vibration of which the sounds and its 50 shapes are made up of the 50 letters. These letters are symbols of the creative force, the power of creation.

In the hardening of the contextual , the music is considered to be the source of the world. The world was born of sound.

Our experience as human beings is also dependent on the Etrics. From the letters and syllables we have the words that shape our thoughts, speech, and experiences. From here you are born and built ideas and images, perceptions and references.

The Etrics continues to continually move, an independent movement, and is not affected or dependent on our will. It is eternal as a sea wave movement. The words that pass through us are there and will always be there. We have the opportunity to watch the tide of our thoughts and know that the source of the words is infinite energy. We have the ability to choose which thought to adhere. We do not have to grasp the waves of thought that take us to the provinces of anger, pain or distress. We can choose to go another way.

If we understand and figure the beating mechanism in US and creates our reality, we will be acquainted with an extraordinary means of improving our existential experience. No longer will we be caught in the sense of a devastating and destructive sensation, on the contrary, take personal responsibility in shaping our emotional, mental response to the phenomena of the grottoes in our path – to reality our lives.

Here comes our help, the theory of the esoteric secret and offers us the mantra as a tool for changing and coping.

The mantras in their heads were created in order to serve as magic words that could remove bad forces or alternatively the battle of desirable things, such as forces of Nature, sun, and Rain. At a later stage, mantras were used to create change and transdestination in consciousness.

The yogis created mantras that are coordinated with the cosmic rhythm. These mantras were never raised on the writing. They were transferred orally from teacher to student in the process of personal initiation.

When we make the sounds of these mantras, which are born out of the body itself, the sounds will deeply affect our internal frequencies. The mantra is a sacred sound, a sound that enriches consciousness. The sound creates vibration, a specific frequency. The Jags understood that sounds and voices, if they were said to be repeated and change, influence the consciousness.

The repeated pronunciation of a mantra, whether it is done in silence, or in a whisper or poetry, has the power to make a transformation in consciousness and to elevate the practitioner to high levels of the sense of unity between him and himself, between him and the cosmic consciousness.

The personal mantra

What makes the mantra a mantra is the way it is delivered to the Apprentice. Morality is the Elder, the guide, the spiritual teacher who gives the mantra a focus on intention and concentration and grants it strength. Giving the mantra is the initiation itself.

For a mantra to be considered a personal mantra, it must have three features:

First, she must have two syllables so that she can be used in parallel with the aspiration and exhalation. The respiratory process has a profound effect on the person's consciousness and is connected to the flow of Prana (the Energy of life) in the body. If breathing is rapid and unregulated, the mind becomes unquiet, thinking is not clear and concentration is difficult.

As the breath is slow, soft, quiet, and prolonged, the Prana flows well and the concentration grows.

By gaining control of the breath, we gain control of Prana and the consciousness. The inner tune of the mantra with the two syllables that is carried out in inhalation and exhalation causes the breathing to be calming, stabilizing the Prana , and calming the waves of consciousness.

Secondly, the mantra should have a certain sound, a pattern that carries a specific frequency. When she is in silence, she has the ability to change and elevate the personal frequency of a practitioner.

Each person and every object in the universe has its own frequency and rhythm, a personal character in the symphony of Creation.

The sound or frequency of the mantra must match the person's personal frequency so that during the time of the mantra in meditation, the passionate personal rhythm will become a more delicate and slow pace that merges in the stillness and vibration of cosmic consciousness.

In the theory of the esoteric secret, it is said that the source of all this rhythm movement is pure cosmic consciousness, which is described as quiet, sound-free and sound, flowing through a straight line for all eternity.

This is how it is described in the ancient writings:

"Eternal and pure, beyond any perception, without form." Is not stained. She knew eternal knowledge. Happiness is sublime .

And finally, the mantra must be meaningful. There is no point in memorizing meaningless sounds. Solidarity with the meaning of the mantra will expand the boundaries of consciousness, topeace, tranquillity, and a sense of happiness.

Usually the meaning of the mantra indicates the immense potential inherent in the person's consciousness. In our nature and the deep layer of our existence, we are eternal, infinite, and our consciousness is pure, beyond the place and time.

The mantra must be charged with spiritual power and therefore cannot be taken from a number. She must be given in the process of initiation by a spiritual teacher.

Within a long and complex learning process that lasted long years in India certified to the Achria status – a spiritual teacher with the ability to grant personal mantras: Hundreds of pupils received a personal initiation into a mantra and transformed the meditation into an active, integral and meaningful tool in their lives.

Brain waves while meditating:

The brain is comprised of millions of nerve cells that create small electrical currents, and from which there are electromagnetic waves or brain waves that change when a propaganda change occurs. These brain waves can be examined on an EEG and see them in the graph. Normal and ordinary brain waves are called beta waves, (13 circles per second), alpha waves are lively and quieter waves (8 circles per second).

In experiments conducted by science in recent years, it is clear to see that beta waves "nervous" become a calm alpha wave during meditation that uses a mantra.

The sound analysis of the mantras shows that their appearance is the same as alpha waves in the brain.

Gradually, during deep meditation, the alpha waves change and become slower and more powerful when they are wavy (4 circles per second). In a state of consciousness it is overwhelmed with creative insights and inner happiness.

When meditation is deeper, the brain waves become even more slow, the delta waves (a circle 1 per second). In this situation there is the quiet of the waves of consciousness as the sacred sage of the Papanjali in the second one in the first chapter of Yoga Sutras.:

"Yoga is the reflection of the waves of consciousness." In this situation, any sense of duality between the observer and the subject of observation is lost. The personal consciousness has been assimilated with the cosmic consciousness.

The second verse describes the simplicity of the situation: "Then the Observer in his truenature"

Meditation is a very direct way to contact ourselves. We cannot settle for intellectual skills only. Meditation enables us to discover a wonderful inner world of peace, tranquility and happiness in its content. Out of this place is creativity, compassion, and love for all creatures.

If you do not have a personal mantra you can try the following meditation:

When you go upright, listen to your breathing, make your breath as slow and regular, become aware of the place and space in your body where the aspiration ends and rests for a moment before the exhalation begins. Be aware of the space in which the exhalation ends and rests for a moment, before the aspiration begins. Allow your mind to rest on the breath waves. Allow this process to be as it is – simple and pure, unpretentious.

Try to dwell in this silence beyond all words and sounds.

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