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Is it better to breathe through your mouth or your nose?

One of the most frequently asked questions is: Is it better to breathe through your mouth or through your nose? As always, the answer is not black or white.

Some people tend to breathe through the nose while others always breathe from the mouth. The wisdom of the masses tends to believe that it is more right to breathe from the nose, but those breathing through the mouth find it very comfortable and therefore rightly ask: is it so bad to breathe through your mouth? The followers of the windpipe through the nose raise good reasons related to air heating or hygiene thanks to the sophisticated system of nasal canals. I want to add the neurological ingredient of breath from the nose as opposed to breath from the mouth because of their connection to stress and body and soul disease. Are you the breathing person from your nose or mouth? And what does that say about you?

Mouth breathing is a condition that treats a person breathing orally in a resting position. This is a breathing that is considered improper in an elderly person, and may lead to medical problems. Little babies can only breathe through the nose but with their development they have the possibility to breathe through the mouth, through the nose or through both. From a grown man who is expected to breathe through the nose while resting.

Breathing while training

The Jags among us know very well that the breathing yoga is done through the nose. During physical training (asana) both the aspiration and exhalation will be made with a closed mouth. During Pilates training, it is customary to inhale and exhale from the mouth. Some people say that during a run it is hard not to breathe just through the mouth. The need to breathe from the mouth is not surprising since when the body needs a great amount of oxygen and breathing automatically moves into the mouth. The question is how is it better to breathe in a resting time and do we have control over it?

The answer to this is inconclusive. Breathing orally in a resting position is less than good. It was possible to think that breathing from the nose or mouth is always a conscious choice, but in many of the people breathing through the mouth, there is a medical problem in the caves that make it difficult to enter air. In others it's a bad habit. Studies tie breath orally to periodontal disease or bad odor from the map but the conclusive answer is related to neurology.

Neurology of breath orally

The neurological and clear-breathing way ofת the mouth is linked to the situations of stress. Reflexive when we are in the breathing tension, go to the mouth. It has a healthy evolutionary logic, since our body mechanisms react to the stress מסכני of life-threatening factors such as the identification of a lion in the grass. In such a condition the body undergoes control of the sympathetic nervous system הסימפתטית and as part of preparation for the fight or flight event along with raising the heart rate or blood pressure as well the breath will usually move into the mouth. Although the modern person does not encounter the Lions in his day's routine, but the activation of the stress system is the only person who exists physically when he is pushed from situations like traffic or delay to work. A system will also be activated in cases where stress is only theoretical, such as remembering a stressful thought. If we find ourselves sitting down with a cup of coffee and suddenly you're reminded of a stressful event... , Scary or angry it may be that our breathing will naturally pass to the mouth.

A person who breathes most of the time through the mouth is under the control of the sympatheticside of theautonomic nervous system. His heart rate or blood pressure will be higher, as are the blood sugar levels. To be under stress, there are also adverse effects on mental health or immune system activity. The tendency to autoimmune diseases such as fibromyalgiaיה or arthritis will increase. Sooner and says that the way of the breathing can influence the nerves in a way that makes her more prone to the calming, the parasimp ofתטי her mind, but a moment before the intellectual explanation let us understand the matter through the body by means of experience.

To understand why breathing through the mouth is tied to pressure and a small experiment will clear the knot between breathing through the nose or mouth to the chest.

Try it Yourself

A moment with eyes closed and followedר theה drop of the chest during the breathing. Please note whether there is movement in the chest or abdomen with the air. Now, close your mouth and breathe through your nose, and to increase the effect close with your finger the right nostril and breathe through the left nostril only. Did Howieget into the abdomen or high to the chest?

Now breathe through the mouth--did the now Howieר go into the abdomen or high to the chest?

Breath through צלעיים the mouth is tied to a reflexive gesture to the hawerר movement to the top of the chest. This kind of breathing activates more muscles in the cross-section and less the diaphragm. If we breathe throughout the day through the mouth, the diaphragm will move less.

Why is the diaphragm movement important?

When the diaphragm rises and drops with the breath the nerve endings associated with the shape of the egosare activated. the " egos " Nerve is the central nerve of its operating parasympathetic nervous system that will reduce heart rate and blood pressure, leading to a decrease in blood sugar levels, and will enable good activity of the digestive system and sedation of the imonologit system.

Neurologically, the diaphragm movement affects not only the autonomous part of the nervous system but also the functioning of the brain. To the respiratory rate, the number of breaths and breathing speed has an effect on the formation of brain waves. The diaphragm movement regulates the activity of various areas of the brain. Such a lack of regulation is linked to diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Breathing orally, which activates the upper part of the chest and essentially decreases the diaphragm movement will increase the levels of stress in the body and emotion. If breathing through the mouth occurs even during the night, it will be manifested in snoring, sleep apnea, or damage to the quality of sleep.

Breathing exercises

Proper breathing exercises enable you to operate efficiently and by choosing the ' egos ' nerve , causing a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate or secretion of stress hormones along with the spread of a feeling of calmness. Breathing Exercises Eugis (pranayama) and their influence on the nervous system and the body is what I enjoy teaching and finding very effective for the health of the body and mind. I think it is important to know the breathing and know how it affects the body, and even how to change it in different situations in order to improve health and emotion, and that I teach in the workshop of The Israeli President . However, for people who breathe most of the day through the mouth even this one change, of beyond breathing through the nose *, can make a dramatic difference in the level of stress both in the body and in emotion.

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