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  • Writer's pictureYogi

Shavasana - the pose of the...

That Savasana is the pose of the corps. It is performed at the end of every yoga class. To avoid the name and its difficult meaning we in the West call it relaxation position. But in fact, we are lying as if we were a corps at the end of the lesson and it is necessary for US to let go and release everything. Even to the thoughts that come and go we learn to treat clouds over the sky and are required not to identify with the waves of thought and not to grasp them. Clouds so that the thoughts, come and go. the Goweiה stance is a relief, but it is not so. Actually, some say it's one of the hard positions, if not the hardest of all. There are precise and clear rules for entering the posture, staying in position, and exiting from the posture as any other yoga posture.

Before you close your eyes, you need to learn to loosen up and soften the brain cells. The closing of the eyes should occur when the pupils are in the center and the eyes themselves are on the same line, which means that we are not looking at the sides. The head should be placed right in the center and not being skewed to one side or another. The skin on the forehead softens and opens to the sides. The skin on the temples is drawn towards the floor. Pupils are eyes open, and then the eyeballs of the eyes are finally the eyelids. The upper eyelids rest softly on the lower eyelids. The jaw muscles are silent, the face is quiet, the muscles must be left around the mouth and around the eyes, letting go and separating the lower lip from the top, separating the tongue from the top palate, and letting it sink to החך the lower palate. The tongue becomes broad and fat inside the mouth and the tip of the tongue touches the back of the lower teeth. The eardrum must be freed in the ears and allow it to sink inward. It is important to relax the center of the throat and release tension from this area. To feel the center of the throat. You can swallow saliva and bring awareness in the name and release. The skin must be put on the chest, making it thin and gentle so that the breathing occurs silently and with no bumps.

This is the time to bring awareness to your hands and feet. The arms are placed לon the side of the body and are so remote, so that the armpits are free. Palms are rotated to the ceiling and the streams move toward the thumbs. There is a touch of the third finger joint, the forearm, with the floor. The legs are not spread out, but close to one another, and only the feet go sideways like two fans with the pinkie on each leg moving toward the ground. During the exhalation, the arms and legs become להיות Heavy, relaxed and cured, and sink to the ground.

The chest is not sinking. It is tall and broad. This situation should occur out of consciousness but effortlessly. Converselyו, the abdomen is very soft and sets down to the back. The pelvis is heavy and sinks down to the ground.

At this point, you should observe your breath. Bring the ads to the chest and see how the chest opens and rises with the aspiration and opens like a petal of a flower. Your flower is in the center of the chest and therefore it is called the Lotus of the heart. This lotus should flourish and open from the center in all directions. If there is a place where the leaves do not open, be impatient and patiently, give it time, it will happen for the practice. The breathing finds its way gradually.

At this stage, the body is relaxed and quiet, breathing becomes quiet, soft and natural, as well as our consciousness is quiet and calm and the waters of the lake. Observe yourself, sense yourself, watch for yourself. There's nothing to do. As we speak, something on the inside opens and expands. Nothing happens, there is only a full presence of yourself inside yourself.

Stopping the vibrations of consciousness – this is Yoga.

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